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Financial statements

Make completing financial statements fast and easy with automated workflows built by you in Silverfin.

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Better financial statements created faster

Complete financial statements faster with automated templates based on your best practice workflow or processes. Centralize your client data in Silverfin for a single source of truth. Have your working papers data automatically pre-populate your year-end files to reduce mistakes and repeat work. Have everyone in the firm working exactly the same way and faster.

Make compliance work easy

Create financial statements for any client type or legal entity. Document your best practice processes and build the workflow and templates in Silverfin required for all the client types you need to report on. Plus save hours with features like roll-forward and automatic iXBRL tagging.

Financial statements

Collaborate efficiently

Use our integrated review and communications panel to collaborate efficiently with colleagues. Export and share files with your clients via our Pulse portal. Then file electronically with the authorities at the click of a button.

Fully integrated

Say goodbye to re-keying or manually moving data. Your financial statements can be automatically updated with financial and client data from your CRM, ERP or other enterprise system. Save time and improve accuracy.

Fully integrated

"You only have to enter your data once. Thanks to the uniform way of working and standardization, working is also easier."

Bart Anthonissen, Partner at BDO

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Speak to us today to learn how you can become a connected accountant.

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